I've been pretty busy. I'll try to catch you up on everything in a reasonably sized post.
1. For christmas, I finally got the white iphone 4! Happy happy girl. So now I will be able to post photographs of my own!
2. I got a new tattoo as a Christmas present to myself with my best friend, Samantha!
3. Spent our second Christmas with my love.
4. Had our second New Year's midnight kiss!
5. Was an extra in an e-harmony commercial.
6. Turned 19 and John Caleb got me a sewing machine!
7. We've been working so hard on
The Fox & The Rabbit. It's almost been overwhelming. It has taken up most of my time! But it's been fun. We have so much coming up to get excited about! Shows, the new album.. Yay!
Have a lovely day!